Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why my Mom is awesome. Also, I am still alive.

This is an email my mom sent me after my last post. It contains the truth:

Katie dearest,
I just wanted to make sure you survived the possible clown invasion. You speak the truth about those varmits and I support your efforts to eradicate their very existence. You see, clowns are the only known zombies that roam in licensed packs. That's why they are kept in tents. That is a natural defense to their venomous breath. OK live well, keep the world free from the notion that clowns can and will stay contained.

Turns out the "circus" was not of the clown variety. Thank heavens. It was a man in a big tie, doing silly little magic tricks. The little kids were all crowded around at the bottom of the auditorium, and they were so cute. They gasped and laughed in all the right places. The older kids and a few adults at the top mostly just laughed. But then the assistant started doing his tricks, and it was not so fun anymore. His tricks were the gross kind. Like laying on nails and knifes and stepping on glass. It was most likely not as bad as I think it was, but I could not actually see what was going on. It turned my stomach. Then right at the end, he jumped on the glass, and it made the exact same sound that was made when I stepped on a beer bottle at the end of the Tomatina. Ew. I was frazzled.

I recovered. Eventually.

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