Tuesday, October 19, 2010

10 reasons Clowns are freaky

I found out yesterday that the circus will be at my school today. I have no classes right now, so I am killing time until the shindig starts. I realized last night, with a jolt, that there might be clowns at the circus. I actually then had nightmares about clowns. I hate them. I hate ceramic clowns that people stick in eachothers toilets and Jellos (ask Anika). I hate crying clowns with painted on smiles. I hate the drunken clowns in Dumbo. And most of all, I hate murderer clowns. So, in an attempt to alleviate my fear (possibly ill concieved, as this may result only in terrifying myself.) I will now list ten reasons clowns should not be allowed:

1) They wear to much make up.
2) Their voices are either really annoying, or really creepy.
3) They eat people. (I know this is a generalization, and not all clowns are cannibals, but some of them are.)
4) Their hair is all sorts of strange.
5) They wear weird clothes.
6) The shoes they wear must mess up their posture, making them grumpy.
7) The Fantastics, Goosebumps, Dumbo, and Stephen King can't all be wrong. But clowns can.
8) Jack-in-the-Box. The hidden terror is always a soul stealing clown.
9) Their laughs. Just thinking about it sends a chill up my spine.
10) They play mean tricks on people. Water squirting flowers!? Honking noses?! Cruel visciousness.

So, in conclusions, if I never write again, it means that there are clowns at the circus, and that I died of fright, and probably then they ate me.

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