I have three topics to address today: 1) A classroom occurence that made me feel really awesome. 2) Church attendance and other outings. 3) Cool stuff I have been thinking about.
So, to begin, I will begin with the beginning. I was in class on Wednesday, and we were learning about words for appearences. Part of the class was to have the kids describe themselves or a classmate. On of the boys (the smartest, and best student in the whole school) asked if he could describe me. I said that he could so he proceeded. "Miss Keti have, uhm, has big wavy blonde hair." You must excuse this star pupil, in comparison to Georgians, my hair could be considered blonde. "Miss Keti has a short nose." I like my nose, so I choose to interpret that to mean my nose is awesome. "Miss Keti has rosy cheeks." I would be very flattered at this point, if it weren't for the fact that every description included that tidbit. Georgi was told he has rosy cheeks, as was the albino kid (There is not an albino kid in my class. That was a joke.) Then the young student added his final sentence that made me recognize his true genius, "Miss Keti is very beautiful." I was flattered indeed, and blushed, so that the rosy cheek part of my description was more true than ever. I am not bragging here, I just felt so happy for the rest of the day, I wanted you all to share in my joy! I will now address my next topic.
In the true fashion of an unorganized writer, I will address my third topic, and let the second fall into last place. I know that this could be easily avoided in this early stage of writing, but I am going to leave it. So, this next topic is cool things I have been thinking about. Anika, do you remember that one time we fixed your ignition? That was so cool. I am especially proud of the part when I scratched your key on the ground, making it work in the ignition, and the part where you were able to get all the panels off and not resort to beating and plastic breaking, like I wanted to. I love you and your car Anika, and I miss you both. Mom, do you remember that time, many years ago, when we drew a picture of ( if my memory is serving me correctly) a Hawk with the head of a butch lady? I recall it making us laugh for no less than an eon. Another cool thing, that was pointed out to me by a cool person, is the mention of Georgia in The Beatles "Back in the USSR." Go look it up! Note: This in no way proves that I am in Russia, I am in what used to be the USSR, but is no longer. Cool stuff is way cool. Also, I want to publicly thank Anika for the cd Grand Street by Matt and Kim. I love it. It is cool stuff.
Topic the last! Church attendance and other outings! I went to church the week of conference. It was wonderful! I am going back next weekend I hope! Church is in Tbilisi, about a two and one half hour drive from Sachkhere, which is a twenty minute ride from Savane, my village! Tbilisi is grand, the biggest and livliest city in Georgia. I am excited for church next weekend! I have also been to Batumi. That was last weekend. My travel companions and I were told that Batumi was a warm and lively city, that was basically always bumpin. I think that who ever told us that is a big liar face who needs to rethink their lives. Batumi was fun, but in no way lived up to our high expectations. We stayed at a midrange hotel, that had a sauna and dunk pool. Warning: Dunk pools are not heated. They might actually be cooled. I thought I was going to die. But then I found the Sauna and I was ok. In addition to turning myself into a human ice cube in Batumi, we also walked. A lot! We walked up and down the abandonded boardwalk, and played on a really cool paddle boat, sadly it was chained to another paddle boat, and weighed approximately 8000000000 lbs, so we did not put them in the water. I did dance on one of them though. That was fun. I stood in the sea, and I wanted to go swimming, but then I saw a broken beer bottle and decided to wait until next time.
Also, on a much stranger note, we went to a Coolio concert. You know, "Gangster Paradise" and "I'll see you when you get there." It was really weird. I would not reccomend Coolio to any of you. Especially not a free Coolio concert in a country where a group of seven non natives is a huge number and they are not at all used to the antics of drunk and old rappers. The "Opener" was this traditional Georgian group, complete with an old man who danced. We seven came to the conclusion that that was the real show, and that Coolio was really just the closing act. Oh, there was also a German DJ playing Club music in the middle. It was the sort of thing where his two songs lasted at least half an hour. Batumi is awesome, we just hit it at the off season I think. Hopefully I will get to go back at the end of my trip here, maybe in May, when the season has started back up!
Oh, hey! I just thought of another topic to write about! News! So, here is what I learn when I watch the news with my host family! First, either Obama's ratings are dropping a lot, or a rocket with his face painted on it crashed. I don't know why, but I know it is a big deal. Also, Hillary Clinton either likes Georgia, moved here, or possibly she died in a freak firework accident. A British Kid moved to Georgia to play soccer, or a Georgian Soccer team moved to The UK to play with that kid. A Georgian girl is the new Miss World, Universe, something. Not really sure, but she was shown repeatedly in a sash and a crown. For what ever reason they also showed Ashwaria Rai, who is not Georgian. The Georgian President, Misha, gave a bunch of laptops to a bunch of little kids. Thats the news, I think.
I am too lazy to do the required research to clear up some of these topics, since news finding takes like ten minutes per topic, so if you have any information, let me hear it! When I say I want news, I am dead serious. From the international revelation, to the personal trivialities, I want it all!
Lots of love!
Katie "Bread Eater" Mitchell
Christina, Shelia, and I at the Coolio concert! They are the best girls to have in Georgia!
Jaime, Christina, Shelia and I at the sea side! This picture was taken by a timer, skills.
Jumping Picture taken by Jaime, also skills, for reals.
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