Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Keti is in awe!

Dear all,

I think I left off on Sunday midday? Let me go check. Yeah, I left off with some ramble about my noggin. I do in fact still have my head! Which is a good thing, because without my head I would not see all the amazing things I get too!

Sunday was a good day. Intercultural learning turned out to be a wonderful class, I just have two hours of it left, and then comes banking and contracts. I am not so excited about that. Anywho, on Monday (I think that was yesterday?) we got to actually go out of this prison/training facility. We have been allowed to walk around as much as we want, in our free time, but there is only so much of wandering these all but abandoned streets that a person can take.

We were taken by hot stinky bus to on of Georgia's most important landmarks. It is called Galeti, and I highly recommend looking it up on Wikipedia or some such thing. It is beautiful, and houses one of the most beautiful and famous representations of Mary and the baby Jesus from the 11th century. In one of the buildings is buried King Davidt the Builder, who commissioned the church, as one of the first academies in Europe. King David requested that He be buried at the entrance to the church so that the world could step on his chest. His tomb is still there, intact, but worn, form the millions of Georgians and others who have stepped on the chest of king Davidt. We went to the Monastery at night, and there was no one else present, but worshipers and monks. We heard them praying, and even though it was in Georgian, I could recognize the love and devotion that these men have to the Lord. They almost sing their prayers, and the monk who was performing most of the ceremony had a simply amazing voice. This combined with the awe inspiring acoustics of the building resulted in one of the most inspirational things I have ever heard. The whole situation was amazing. I spent the rest of the night in a state of amazement.

Today has been a long day. We had breakfast, and our all team meeting in the morning. When that was over Nino held some of us who are having IT problems back. I wanted to try to fix my computer, so we all went to a store where they sell and fix computers and things. They could not fix my camera, but they had a reasonably priced camera that I might try to get. We have had lesons and meetings literally all day, they only just finished now, at ten. I feel bad for missing two hours of Georgian class this morning, so I need to go study. I also am in desperate need of sleep.

I love you all!

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