Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Heck must be a giant airport.

Dear everyone,

My journey has officially begun! Mom drove me to Derek and Rachel's house last night, and we said our goodbyes. I cried, she cried, Jessica cried. It was bound to happen. This morning at 3:45, Derek and I got up an hour later then we meant to, and drove to San Francisco at about 8000 miles an hour. I was to late despite all Derek's best speed racer moves. I had to pay a couple extra bucks, and everything is back on track. I am now officially exhausted, from my three hours of sleep, followed by about four hours of really bad nerves. I always find being nervous to be one of the most tiring activities in which I partake. Nerves are not as cool as giant tomato fights.
Speaking of giant tomato fights, I went to one of those on Sunday, and it was awesome. There is nothing like being pelted from all sides with smelly red Solanum lycopersicum. Afterward we went down to the Truckee and like the bright thing I am, I stepped on a piece of glass and sliced the bottom of my foot open. Anika said it was Sunday Karma, because I was involved in a giant awesome activity on a Sunday, but I think I would have stepped on the glass no matter what day it was, because thats just the way I am.

My free internet time is almost up, so I might write some more when I am in Chicago, or Amsterdam. Love you all!


Friday, August 13, 2010

Some more...

Dear all,

Don't worry. I am sure that as time passes I will become better at thinking up enticing and exciting names for my "posts." I am also confident that someday, most likely out of boredom, I will learn how to properly use this blogger deal. Anywho, I decided that since it has been over a month since I decided to start this thing, I should write some more. Read it if you want to, only if you want to though.
So, I have been formally accepted into the Teach in Georgia Program, and I am only awaiting information about when my flight leaves and such! I am ever so nervous! But also exceedingly excited and bubbly at the thought of going! I have been trying to gather all the information about Georgia that I can, as well as try to figure out what in heavens name I am going to take with me! I feel like this transient person, just sort of moving from one place to another, waiting to go. I already quite my job, moved out of my house, and sort of gave up my calling at church, so now all I can do is wait. It sucks.

As far as this whole cancer junk goes, I was blessed to be led to an awesome doctor. He has already become one of the biggest blessings of my life! I had my first appointment with him a while back, and he did a full body check. It was quite as embarrassing as you can imagine. Then on the 11th of this month he went in and removed a whole lot more tissue, so right now I have this nasty gaping wound on the side of my arm. I never realized how frequently people punch/poke/touch that part of my arm until I really did not want them to. I have one more meeting with the doctor before I go, so I will try to make an update about that. Maybe.
Oh, also, I guess I could tell all you people about this blog, since I am going to all the trouble of writing it. I think I will get on that Ole Facebook thing right now and let you all know. I really started this so that my Mom could have an immediate way to know whats up. I love you Mom. Also, now you are famous Mom, you are on the interweb machine!

Love you all, even though so far you aren't really anybody! But I still love you!
